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American 8 spokes

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: American 8 spokes
From: "Dean C. Paige" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 09:36:34 -0700
Organization: City of Santa Rosa
I've had a set of four American 8 spokes, (the ones with the 
coarse reverse threads on the left side wheels for the two eared spinner) 
residing on my 73 TR-6 (CF939U, 300,000 miles, driven daily, cross 
country, midwest, southeast, northwest, Baha, sun, sleet, snow, for 
better or worse, richer or poorer, but always home in California) for the 
past 22 years. Originally came as optional equipment on a 67 4A purchased 
new in Dade County. Had 5 until one incinerated in the trunk of a 67 Le 
Mans. What a conflagration, such pretty colors! 

Hasn't happened often but when flats occur and a steel wheel spare goes 
on, the cosmic balance is disturbed and demons roam the roadway. Those 8 
spokes don't weigh more than 10 lbs. Been looking for extras for years 
but without the benefits of the Net. A total of 30 years in service 
(whew) - entropy must eventually prevail. If you have one or more that 
are alone, without bretheren, unable to form the quartets they were made 
for, consider providing them with a loving home. Adoption fee 

A few of those reverse threaded left hand spinners must also be out there 
languishing alone and unappreciated in some basement or garage. These 
also could find a happy and loving home. 

One doesn't singlehandedly keep a TR on the road and looking and running 
well for 25 years without being willing to part with long green and 
without an in depth and personal knowledge of the vehicle's breed but I 
know what I'm willing to pay and I know what is reasonable and I'm 
serious about buying and am very patient. Another year if necessary won't 
phase me. To the list: Welcome to my world. The TR and I have adventures 
to account, places and people to describe and as my gorgeous and TR and 
Jag loving wife has commented - "You've probably touched more parts on 
those cars than you have on me!"  I know and love my machine. 


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