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Re: Classic Car Insurance

Subject: Re: Classic Car Insurance
From: "Jack I. Brooks" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 11:06:56 -0400
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
I just changed from Hagerty to Parish, 800-274-1804, a month ago.  The
reason I changed was that with Hagerty I was restricted to using the car for
club events, and joy rides, which were for no purpose other than the
enjoyment of the vehicle.  We couldn't take the car when we went out to
dinner on a Saturday night, nor could my wife use it occasionally to take
the kids to school, or even to a friends house to visit.  

Parish lets you set the use and destinations, based on your good judgement
about where your classic car should and shouldn't be.  Talk this over with
Dave Parish; he's a straight shooter and a car guy too.

Basically, with Hagerty, the car could not be used if there was a purpose to
the trip other than just the enjoyment of driving the car. Ask the questions
very pointedly and you will see.  Be very specific about how you want to use
the car.

I agree,  I would much rather pay the $110 to Hagerty than the $280 to
Parish, but it is a very different policy.  ASK THE QUESTIONS VERY
SPECIFICALLY.  Don't pussyfoot around what you don't want to hear.  You may
not be covered.  I did and I wasn't.  Fortunately, I never had any damage.
The folks on this list illuminated me and I re-read my policy in great
detail, with a bright yellow high-lighter.  I was driving outside my
coverage with Hagerty.

BTW - with Parish there is no Odometer cert either.  However, If you are
going to go over the 2,500 mile coverage, you "should" call them and buy
some more miles.  (I ask a lot more questions now) 

Jack (been there, insured that) Brooks

At 09:04 AM 6/25/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Joe Worsley put me onto Haggerty Classic Insurance several months and I am
>pleased with what they offered.  I have a 59 TR3A and have agreed upon
>value insurance of $10,000 with no deductable and $300,000 liability (same
>as I carry on my other autos.)  There are stated restrictions, ie 2,500
>miles annually, but there were no set categories of driving - like 500
>miles for club events, 750 miles for parades, etc, that I saw in some other
>policies.  Plus, with the 59 there is no odometer certification required,
>so the milage restriction is really a moot point.  The representative
>assured me the "milage police" would not be making the trip to Greenwood to
>check up on milage.
>Cost is $102 annually.
>M. W. Jordan, Jr.
>Greenwood, MS
>> Keith,
>> >Can anyone recommend a company in North Jersey for classic car
>> >insurance.  I'm probably going to register my '72 TR6 as a
>> >classic/vintage to avoid inspections/emissions.
>> Definitely Parish, 800-274-1804.  Everyone else restricts your driving
>> much.   
>> I live in Hillsdale, NJ.  Value of car $10,000, 250 deduct, 300/100
>> coverage, cost $280.
>> You can go with any classic insurer at less than half of their rate, but
>> your driving is restricted.
>> Give me another post, or a phone call, if you want further details and/or
>> views on NJ inspection/registrations.
>> Jack Brooks 
>> 973-560-8861

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