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Re: TRF "Summer Specials"

To: "" <> (Return requested), "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: Re: TRF "Summer Specials"
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Date: 17 Jun 1997 09:40:03 -0500
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"Have any of you priced a 'rebuilt' engine, starter or alternator for a 
later model car lately?  I think you'll appreaciate TRF's and others prices 
after that!"  -- Barry Schwartz

The problem isn't just with late model cars.  An upper ball joint for a 1964 
Volvo is $120.  And it's been on backorder for six weeks.  From Sweden. 
 Hope it gets here before the wheel falls off.  I'll bet you can get a 
trunnion cheaper and faster.  (BTW, there are some TRF wannabes in the old 
Volvo business but it doesn't appear that any of them have graduated to 
manufacturing parts that Volvo has discontinued.)

Andy Lindberg
    TR3A almost ready to make the hike to Texas
    Volvo 122 almost ready to be demoted from daily driver status

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