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TR6 Steering rack mountings

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: TR6 Steering rack mountings
From: (Pete & Aprille Chadwell)
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 07:42:01 +0100
I don't think I've EVER gotten my steering rack mounted properly on my car,
and I'm hoping to learn some tricks from the collective wisdom of the list:

I know that there is a special tool that is used to spread the rack
mountings apart.  Supposedly, you spread the mountings and then tighten up
the U-bolts.  Well, I once had a friend that had one of these tools, but
when I went to use it, it was immediately apparent that at the very least,
the engine would need to be out of the car in order to use this stupid
tool.  (well, maybe you could do it by just taking out the radiator) No
matter how I approached it, there was no room to swing a wrench on the tool
to spread it apart.  So, I uttered a few expletives and just tightened up
the U-bolts.  Now, as then, I think that the rack is not mounted correctly,
as there is a certain amount of side-to-side movement of the entire rack
that should not exist.

Does anyone out there know how this can be done?  What is the word on those
aluminum block mountings that are available?  Is that the only cure?


Pete Chadwell

1973 TR6

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