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Re: TRF Summer Companion

To: STU-JO <>
Subject: Re: TRF Summer Companion
From: "Richard Fontaine (ENG)" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 1997 16:06:02 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: tri <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, 8 <>
gotta jump in this the proverbial moth..another good deal from
charlie, aka: nature lover..almost as good a deal as the CLUB MEMBERSHIP.
wait a minute, i've got some scrungy semi-used parts i pulled off the 3b.. 
charlie, wanna trade..
dick ;-)
so, fire away.

On Sat, 14 Jun 1997, STU-JO wrote:

> I know I'm going to catch heck for this but.......
> In the above catalog I received today, Charles will graciously sell you his
> no longer wanted rusty, dented TR250 bodyshell for a measly $6000. But
> wait, there's more- for only another $1250 he will sell you new body parts
> to replace the rusty ones. Boy, I bet their phones will be ringing off the
> hook on Monday, what with that deal, and the unrestored TR8 in need of a
> paint job for $14000.
> I will now put on my asbestos suit and retire gracefully from the scene.

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