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Droopy TR-4 Motor

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Droopy TR-4 Motor
From: (Darrell Leach)
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 1997 08:26:32 -0800
Posted-date: Sat, 14 Jun 1997 08:20:47 -0700 (PDT)
Yet another question for the collective genius:

Has anyone had any experiance with a TR-4 motor that drops down and causes
contact between the fan shaft and the steering rack?

This condition exist on two different cars, my late '62 (CT13108L) and a
friends '67 (CT66XXXL ?).

New motor mounts provided a momentary reprieve but after about a day of
driving the condition had returned.  The '67 was fixed by making shims of
thick washers (notched, to allow them to be put in without removing the
mounts) and sliding these shims under the engine mounts.  While this is a
workable fix it strikes me that there most be a better (read correct) way.

Any suggestions?

So Long,

Darrell Leach,   KD6LRC   DM-15,   Ridgecrest, Ca
1962 TR-4 (CT5368LO)  Everyday
1962 TR-4 (CT13108L)
1965 Spitfire Mk 2
1967 Spitfire Mk 3   In work, lots of 1500 stuff
Keeper of the TR-4 List, Version 1.2 availible.

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