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tr6 door locks

To: "'TR6 List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: tr6 door locks
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 13:15:18 -0600
Anyone have experience with the TR6 door lock fitting kit from Moss (p.
69 of the latest catalog)?

I have just ordered one of these and am sort of kicking myself for not
checking on the list first. My locks are not working quite correctly
after a 10 year hibernation and one is close to rotating too much for my
liking when the key is turned.

Having just looked at the lock mechanism on a junker I realized the
factory clips securing the locks are pure shite.

Moss seems the only one of the three which provides a method of
retaining the original locks with a beefed up fitting kit. VB has a new
lock set with threaded fittings and TRF seems to have just the stock


Peter Zaborski
76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
Calgary AB Canada

BTW, the Moss catalog is available in Adobe Acrobat format
( I can look through it really fast on my PC
and the price list is included in the file. Much cleaner than lugging
around my catalog and price list to and from work. I wish TRF and VB
would do the same...

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