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Re: BRG Color QUESTION re-visited

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: BRG Color QUESTION re-visited
From: "John T. Nichols" <>
Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 23:25:45 -0400
References: <QQcszi15617.199706080242@relay7.UU.NET>
Don Sforza wrote:
> Your question is very provoking. I ran into the same problem seven years ago
> when finishing my TR4. A listing in the Moss catalogue for the BRG for a 63 
> when mixed, ended up a very bright, almost lemony green... not even close, and
> rather hideous!
> A further search at the paint shop gave us a Ditzler number for a BRG for the
> 67 A-H 3000... which if my memory was right, was much closer to what was
> desired. We had the guy mix a quart, and off we went. Upon removal of the rear
> wheel arch vinyl, we found "virgin paint"... unfaded, unblemished, etc. We
> sprayed a sample over a masked portion of the arch, and "viola" an absolute
> perfect match... I couldn't have been more pleased.
> So, the number, you ask (I've had a few Bass ale's, and I'm getting rather
> verbose)? Ditzler 43342
> Give it a whirl.
> "And to think, it all started with a tractor!"
> Don Sforza                   KA1WV
> 1963 TR4        Connecticut Triumph Register             CT16707L
> ----------
> > From:
> > To: Dsforza
> > Subject: BRG Color QUESTION re-visited
> > Date: June 7, 1997 4:58 PM
> >
> > All:
> >
> > I've received two responses to my "Is there a modern equivalent to the
> > original TR 4A British Racing Green?" question that imply it's just a
> > matter of saying "I want BRG for my TRiumph TR 4A"....
> >
> > Yet... in practice... I see so many versions of BRG on re-painted TR's
> > that I have doubts that simply requesting my year's TR's color isn't
> > going to guarrantee me the proper color...
> >
> > Anyone have specific experience with this?  Like actually comparing a
> > paint sample to the virgin BRG found under the carpet of the back seat?
> > :)
> >
> > When I painted my first TR 4A... the BRG ended up being very bright...
> > it didn't look like the original BRG...
> >
> > Generally I'm not an original freak when it comes to things that can
> > easily be replaced by OEM...  but paint is different... I'd like it to
> > be original...  (though I am putting a stripe on the car! :)
> >
> >
> > Justin
> >
> > Los Angeles
 Actually, the 'lemony green' (do you mean 'limey green'?) is a version
of British Racing Green. BRG came in two shades. The more common shade
of dark forest green is most often thought of as BRG as found on '50s
era Jaguars and Aston Martins. But some of the MGB factory team cars
campaigned in the lighter shade in the '60s. But you are right it is

'58 TR3A TS32093L 'O'
'86 TVR 280i

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