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Re: TR5/6 parts needed

Subject: Re: TR5/6 parts needed
From: William Davies <>
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 1997 01:11:05 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <> wrote:
> I am looking for the channel under the steering column that hides the wires
> coming from the turn signal/light switches on the steering column.
> Anyone have a parts car that you would be willing to pull this part on for
> me??

This part is the same as on all Heralds and Spitfires upto MK3 and
possibly early MK4. I've got plenty of them which you'd be welcome to
have, but as I'm int he UK, it's probably easier for you to find one
over there. But, if you get no luck...
> ALSO - anyone have an original steering wheel for a TR5/250 ??????     

I think this is the same as the GT6 MK2 Padded type, ie., wire spokes
underneath, but covered by moulded rubber padding? If so, a friend has
one he is selling for £95 (UK). Again, this is in the UK, but the rarity
might make mailing it worthwhile. Let me know...

"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.
And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd
never expect it." - Jack Handley

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