Near as I can discern, the srew to which you refer does......NOTHING !
Actually I'm sure it does Something, just not with any noticeable to the ear
difference. I would try adjusting the needle from down the dashpot with the
cool little ZS adjusting tool. This is simply a glorified allen wrench inside
a barrel which holds the diaphragm in place whilst you raise or lower the
needle. This is all it took to get my Spit to pass two years ago.
As for this September, I've got the Weber DGAV on there now and I hope
the Senate will pass and enact SB42 before I have to switch manifolds back to
the stock ZS150 CD.
Good Luck,
Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar
Morgan Hill, CA
From: Glenn Bowley[]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 1997 4:38 AM
Subject: Stromberg CD4 mixure tuning
Spitfire 1500