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Sick of Dissing!

To: TRIUMPHS@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Sick of Dissing!
From: Larry Schilling <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 13:04:52 -0500
Don't you just get tried of people saying....

"My sister had a Triumph, it was in the shop all the time."

"Had a Triumph once, it nickle and dimed my to death."

"We can't take your car, I want to make sure we get there."

"You drive a '73 Triumph?  You sure are a brave soul."

"What is that, some kind of MG?"

"Had an MG once.  All those British cars are junk."

"You have a '73 Triumph?  Why?"

And on, and on, and on it goes seems like everybody has an unsolicited opinion. 

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