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RE: SU question for a Spit

To: "Sean Johnson" <> (Return requested), "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: SU question for a Spit
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 27 May 1997 09:18:46 -0700
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Sean Johnson wrote
Here's the situation: Some time in the mists of prehistory, the DPO of my 
Spitfire put in an engine from a '79, the intake manifold from a '70, and 
awarded this gulash with the SU's from a '62-'66 car (HS2's AUC983). Problem 
#2 - Gas comes squirting out of the front carb, either from around the hose 
to tube connection, or from the vent hole.  This gas is caught by the wind 
from the fan, and sprayed liberally over the windshield.
Now, is this a) A Grosse jet getting jammed open? or
          b) A fuel pump putting out more than 3-5 psi, or
          c) Something that has to do with my more modern fuel pump
          running old small SU's?
Sean - I installed a set of Grouse Jets in my SU HS2s and had the front one 
stick open while the car was parked.  It leaked gas onto the freshly painted 
frame actually softening up the paint, dripped onto the floor and generally 
made quite a mess.  Probably only lost a cup or two, but Lordy did it look 
bad.  Never did figure out why it stuck open.  Seems fine now.  As to the 
fuel pump, yep, same problem.  The DPO installed a big AC elec. fuel pump in 
the trunk as a supplemental "pusher" and boy did it push!  Gas was literally 
dripping out from the float bowl seams where the top screws down.  Again, 
quite a mess.  I finally just disconnected the damn thing and car has run 
fine ever since.  Nevertheless, it is completely hooked up and ready to use 
if necessary, although I would strongly recommend a pressure regulator if 
you decide to go electric.

Ross D. Vincenti - Costa Mesa, CA
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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