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To: Chris Prugh <>
Subject: RE: WHAT?
From: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 12:22:36 +0100 ()
Cc: "'Billy Zoom'" <>, "'British List'" <british-cars@Autox.Team.Net>, "'Triumph List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
On Sun, 25 May 1997, Chris Prugh wrote: 
> I think Jay got a new red hat and is really REALLY proud of it.  Either that 
>or it's secret code to the commies and he should be strung up, shot and THEN 
>tortured for transmitting this ilk on a Memorial Day weekend.  (maybe 1 too 
>many war movies today...damn the rain in Indy...)
> > I made it ready on a PC and put in a Ether segment to my NT server which
> > was a Token Ring enviro.  Got all the TCP stuff bound the al the NIC's and
> > it seemed pretty cool.
> > > > 
> > Then I got a Compaq 5000 and NT 4 Server which came with IIS free and I
> > bought SQL server and quickly dumped Redhat.  It only cost $50.00.
> > 
What in the world is this guy talking about?????????

Errr.....  Welcome to the planet earth. What is your purpose in visiting
us?  we welcome the opportunity to converse with other 'intelligent' 
life forms.......   Wasn't linux written by some finnish student in his
bedroom??? Or is it a cough mixture?? Ora character from the peanuts??

Johnny Storm
'77 worm drag stiletto monkey nut meter xp220

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