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Re: Catalytic Converter Retrofit

To: Ben/Pam Zwissler <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Catalytic Converter Retrofit
From: R John Lye <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 97 07:15:08 EDT
I'd just like to add two minor nit-picks to an otherwise
well written posting.

On May 22, 10:15pm, Ben/Pam Zwissler wrote:
> Holley and others make
> aftermarket fuel injection systems with oxygen sensors, but I don't know of
> any that are designed to work in a sidedraft manifold.  

Actually, TWM makes throttle bodies that will replace Weber DOCE series
carbs, so any car that can get a manifold for a Weber DCOE can be
retrofitted with fuel injection.  You'll have to get an FI controller
like a Haltech or an Electromotive, for example, and do a bit of
tweaking, but it can be done.  A lot of racers are doing this where
the rules allow it.

> One other point, any modification you make to an emission controlled
> vehicle is technically illegal, unless it is CARB/EPA certified. 

This is true only in the USA; other countries have different regulations.

John Lye


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