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Re: Radiator problems

Subject: Re: Radiator problems
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 10:12:32 +0600 (EDT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
On Mon, 19 May 1997, CAMHI ALAN wrote:

> 1.  Is there a way to fix a radiator of a leak and if so does anyone know 
> of a place on Long Island that can do this.  Also, does anyone have a 
> good radiator that will fit a 1965 TR4.  I do not want to spend the $300 
> plus on a new one.

I don't have a radiator or the name of a shop on LI. However, repair
depends entirely on the severity of the leak and the overall condition of
the rest of the radiator. If the top and/or bottom tanks are too badly
damaged, if the cooling fins are corroded and/or any visible number of
them are becoming detached, and/or if the leak spans more than one tube,
it's probably recore time. BTW, recoring might be an option if the tanks,
etc. are ok but there's too much damage to the tubes and fins.
> 2.  What else needs to be replaced when a radiator is installed?  Hoses 
> are in great shape.

Replace them anyway, along with the cap (make sure you get the correct
replacement, as older TRs tended to use lower pressure systems), and toss
the old ones in the trunk as highway emergency spares.
> 3. Can anyone comment on the original problem of the car dying and then 
> starting up 10 minutes later.

Tough to say, since you didn't get all that much further. It could be an
ignition problem (failing coil or several other possibilities). It could
also have been a fuel problem, with a little bit of dirt clogging a carb
temporarily, or even a bit of junk floating about in the tank and
occasionally settling in the outlet pipe, or....?
> 4.  While the radiator and fan are off, is there any maintenence I can do 
> so that I don't have to pull the radiator again in the future perform 
> this maintenence(i.e. water pump, front oil seal, etc.)

Well, sure. You could do all that and more. However, this rapidly leads to
what is well-known as "Shipwrights Disease"; one thing leads to another
and, before you know it, your car is in thousands of pieces, you're into
it for about $17,500 and you still need to get that radiator fixed! :-)

To be honest, unless you are really fearful of the water pump, oil seal or
other parts, follow the classic "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
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