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Re: Recent so-called flames....

To: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Subject: Re: Recent so-called flames....
From: Justin Wagner <>
Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 10:58:25 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
Organization: Justin Ltd.
References: <>
Michael D. Porter wrote:
> Okay, I've taken some hits for what some have called an unreasonable
> flame regarding Robert Wanta's post here soliciting an apprentice, with
> a $5000 forfeiture bond price tag for the benefit of working with 
>Bob....etc.etc. etc.

VERY WELL SAID...  Let me say... when I first read his post... I started
laughing at how ridiculous it sounded... But then I felt the same
concern as Michael... that someone would fall for it.  

I am a manager in a shop that makes miniatures, props, and FX for the
film industry.  We have hired a good number of unexperienced young men
and women... that I have to "train"... but they have the knack... and
the "eye"...  and they catch on quickly...  and they do good work... and
we pay well WELL over minimum wage...  If they prove themselves, they
work more and more... and some go on to work for the studios... and many
go on to join unions and make VERY good incomes...

Our shop is full of tools.  I have many of my own tools which they are
free to use.  These young employees often bring nothing with them.  So

The idea that i would expect any of these people to post a bond with me
is ludicrous!  If they only stay a month and move on to something
else... so what!  They still performed work... which they were paid
for.  They don't owe me anything.  And I am happy that I had the
opportunity to help them learn and grow as individuals. 

The post sounded to me like either a scam... OR... a guy who felt hurt
that employees would not stay with him, after he made the effort to
train them...   So somehow... he feels like he can finiancially anchor
them to his shop.  It sounds rather sad.

Maybe there's more to it... but that is what I sensed...  And I can't
help but feel that a young man/woman could easily "apprentice" with
another shop or with some individual that is restoring his own car...
etc... without having to put up $5000.00.

That's my 2 cents.  Now maybe someone will flame me... but I am only
saying what I sensed from his original post...  and I never felt that
Mr. Porter was out of line.  When you're talking about that sort of
money... anyone considering the offer should be able to view all
concerns... that, in part, is what a newsgroup is about. 

Los Angeles

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