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BCW Role Call & Sybill

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: BCW Role Call & Sybill
From: Carol Zingone <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 10:03:16 -0400
Organization: J.R. Hoffman

Saw a beautiful green TR6 74 or later this morning on my way to work.  
God the exhaust sounded great !!!  I was so jealous, Sybill's timing is 
still off, despite new plugs, wires, points, condenser, & rotor, so my 
husband lent me the Miata this morning (it's my birthday and i really 
wanted to drive Sybill).  Of course, the top on the Miata was down !

Does the green TR6 belong to anyone on this list ??

Carol Zingone
74 TR6 -- not today

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