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RE: My grandfather's Triumph

To: "" <> (Return requested), "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: My grandfather's Triumph
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Date: 14 May 1997 10:05:15 -0500
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Jesse --

Don't know what your weekend schedule is, but, if you're interested, 
Minnesota Triumphs is having a tech session on Saturday.  10:00 a.m. to ??? 
 Location: someplace north of St. Paul.  Contact me and I'll get you an 
address.  The topic is a GT6/Spitfire conversion, but I can guarantee that 
there'll be a few TR3's there.  Plus a few people that know more about TR3's 
than I could even imagine.  If you can't make it, but are still interested 
in having a few consultants (unpaid) on the car, contact me and I'll get you 
some names.

 -- Andy Lindberg

p.s.  You wrote: "Last summer I saw a  british racing green MG for sale in 
Dinkytown (part of Minneapolis near the University)."  Did you see my TR3 in 
Dinkytown yesterday?  Went to Milo's for a haircut over lunch hour.

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