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Advice sought on cross-country trek in TR6 (altitude tuning, esp.)

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Advice sought on cross-country trek in TR6 (altitude tuning, esp.)
From: Jacob ben-David Zimmerman <zimerman@MIT.EDU>
Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 00:18:09 EDT
Hi LIst,
  I will shortly be setting off to drive my beloved '6 from Cambridge MA to
Santa Monica CA for the summer.  I'll be taking Rt. 90 into MOntana, then south 
through Yellowstone/Grand Tetons to 15, and thence to LA.  Here's my two 
1)What, in your opinion, should be in the trunk (besides beer, a credit card,
     my TRF card, a ratchet/driver set, spare tire, jack, tire iron, spare fan
     belt, a case of 20w50, 5gals of gas and 5 gals of water).  My roommate and
     I (he's a '6 owner also) are allocating 8-9 days (pushing it to Chicago,
     then taking 6 days to go Chicago-LA).

2)How should I cope wth tuning the car for the Rockies?  Should I just try  to
     drive it over, and re-Colortune when it gets rough?  Or should I expect to
     be fiddlin' with it a lot?

Thanks for any assistance.  If you have recommended TR6 service folk within,
say, 100mi of Rt. 90/15, I'd love to hear about it too.  I will, of course,
document any odysseys that occur for the list's educational purposes.  

My 'friends' have started a pool on where I break down.  $2 gets them a pushpin
in a map of the route; closest pin as crow flies to first breakdown wins.  The
only reason I'm not offended is that when I get there in one piece, having not
broken down, I get the ca$h to buy brews with.  :-)

Oh yeah, since I'm missing the NE Day of Triumph this year, are there anyLA-area
events from June-Sept. I should try to attend?  thanks again!
the TR6 Website

Jacob ben-David Zimmerman - MITDACS - Draper Laboratory
"I never drive faster than I can see.  Besides, it's all in the
reflexes." -Jack Burton

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  • Advice sought on cross-country trek in TR6 (altitude tuning, esp.), Jacob ben-David Zimmerman <=