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Re: ;o( Thanks for playing...

To: "tri" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: ;o( Thanks for playing...
From: "STU-JO" <STU-JO@Prodigy.Net>
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 21:19:45 -0400
Steve, oncea year I disconnect my gas line and blast it with an air hose to
push all the muck back into the tank. Works for me.
Subject: ;o( Thanks for playing...
Date: Tuesday, May 06, 1997 9:00 AM

     Good Morning!
     This past weekend, I anxiously put the manifolds and carbs back on my 
     '76 TR6 after sandblasting and repainting the parts; making them like 
     new.  I installed a new air manifold (the old one was less than 
     useless, at best).  Hoses and spark plugs were also replaced.  I 
     thought with all these improvements, my TR HAS to run better, right?  

     WRONG, and thanks for playing!  :o(  Now it's not getting enough fuel.

     I have a clear fuel filter before the carbs which is visibly not 
     getting enough fuel to fill the filter half way.  It won't turn over 
     and just runs the battery down.  
     I have a new fuel pump on order (good idea to replace anyway), along 
     with new points and condenser.  Does anyone recommend something I 
     might be overlooking??  In the past, it has run only after 
     considerable efforts to start it.
     In advance, I appreciate your assistance.
     Steven J. 
     1976 TR6
     Morristown, New Jersey 

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