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Re: TR6 Vacuum Retard

Subject: Re: TR6 Vacuum Retard
From: Martin Libhart <>
Date: Fri, 09 May 1997 09:09:48 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <> wrote:
> Why would you care?  Best I can figure this was a device
> for spoof'ing the emissions idle laws at the time.  Likely
> didn't reduce pollutions and I've fixed several cars where
> it caused so much dist wear that the dwell and timing were affected.


> Guess I should have kept my mouth shut, sorry.
> Roger

Hi Roger:

Okay, okay, I confess - originality is my primary consideration here!
To heck with performance!  Well, I don't really mean that, either.
I just want to buy more expensive parts for my Triumph... yeah, that's
it, more expensive parts for my Triumph!

Martin Libhart
1972 TR6 (driver)
1970 Spitfire Mk.3 (under the knife)

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