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"New" GT6

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: "New" GT6
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Wed, 07 May 1997 00:01:43 -0700
Organization: None whatsoever
After months of pestering people with unwanted advice and having them
look at a tagline which suggests I don't know one orifice from another
<g>, I am happy to announce that I have purchased a _running_ GT6. (!)

Michael Noerregaard, late of this country, and still (I think) of this
list, has sold me his remaining GT6 (well, I can say that, now that he's
gotten the check <g>), and I am genuinely looking forward to pestering
the rest of you with all sorts of "what do I do?" questions regarding
this "new" car. This is the car with the 2500 cc engine in it of which
he frequently lamented the DPO's activities. <g> I have already
established with Michael the rights to complain about the DPO (now him),
but have formally honored his right not to be harassed about changes
made by the first-generation DPO. <g>

For me, this will be a bit of a thrill... I haven't had a driveable
Triumph in the yard since 1978. The GT6+ project has slowed to a
standstill since the local code enforcement people forced me to put the
frame and parts car in storage. 

I'm planning on getting plates here in New Mexico, if possible, and then
driving the car back from Austin, TX, and doing a little work on it in
time for the VTR in Ft. Worth in July. Any suggestions about spares to
bring along for a 650-mile trip back to its new home?

Cheers, all.

My other Triumph doesn't run, either....(soon to be amended, with luck)

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