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RE: TR6 Owners List

To: "'Chris Bullock'" <>, Triumph List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: TR6 Owners List
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 12:50:56 -0600
Chris thanks for doing this! Although I guess I thought there were more
TR6 owners on the list. I have a minor correction to my car, checked it
last night (it's not parked where I live :-( ). The corrected info

        CF58310UO  1976
        Owner:     Peter Zaborski
        Engine:    CF48160UE
        Exterior:  Pimento (72)  <<<<< correction >>>>>
        Interior:  Black (11)
        Location:  Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The difference is the exterior color which I supplied you with incorrect
info about. The Pimento (#72) is the original and current color. Thanks
again for putting this together.

Peter Zaborski
76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
Calgary AB Canada

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Chris Bullock []
        Sent:   Friday, May 02, 1997 7:03 PM
        To:     Triumph List
        Subject:        TR6 Owners List


        At long last, here's the list I put together for the TR6 owners.
        if you provided your information to me and you're not on the
list - send it
        again and I'll add you and re-distribute.  Also, if I've made
any mistakes
        anyone wishes to add more details, pass the changes along.


        Chris Bullock
        Colchester, VT

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