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Re: Early CF Series Cars (TR6)

Subject: Re: Early CF Series Cars (TR6)
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 14:16:41 -0500 (EST)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

CF12524 is early. According to the books, one of the first 75.

Is there anything unique about your car? Maybe you should be telling us 
what is unique. Have you ever taken any of the books about TR6 and 
looked/compared to the features of your car?

I can say (as an early '74 owner (CF14111) that there are interesting 
things lurking in your gearbox and so forth that do set the early '74's 
off from the "run of the mill" TR6, but if you look at TR6's with a fine 
tooth comb, there are lots of little differnces in all of them.

As the "experts" say, the first cars of a new model and the last cars of 
a model run will have variations as they use up the stuff that is left 
over in the bins...

FWIW, on the same day that your message showed up in the digest, 
"Bradford K. Begin" <> also posted and his COMM 
number is CF12577. Woh!

Bob Lang                Room 11-221            | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |
Quote: How many Triumphs do you own??? Mostly just a few.

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