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spitfire vac lines, long

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: spitfire vac lines, long
From: (david r simpson)
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 11:38:26 -0500 (EST)
   I am in the process of reinstalling the correct carburetor,
air pump, EGR valve and related emission equipment. This is on a 
1976 Spitfire 1500 federal (non-calif.) version (FM 50992OU). 
I am not confident about the configuration of all the vacuum 
hoses. I will try to list them and my proposeed locations. If
anyone can understand this message and help me out, 
Thank you in advance!!

1)  Distributor vacuum unit to vapor trap, to connection on the
under side of the carburetor just past the throttle plate,
this is a small sensing line

2) Air pump divertor valve, small sensing line. Does this line tap 
into a tee on the line off the intake manifold??,  My line no.5

3) EGR valve to tubing Tee  Line 3A to vapor trap, to a tap on the 
top side of the carburetor past the trottle plate (engine side).
Line 3B) from tee to the starter assembly on rear side of the 
carburetor, Small sensing line.

4)  Valve cover to 1/2" pipe with three outlets, one to foward side
of the carburetorce cover near the mixture adjustment screw, to,the
other to the center tap on the vapor (carbon) cannister, larger 
1/2" dia. hose

5) Intake mainifold vacuum tap 1/4" dia. to divertor, (anti-run on)
valve under the carbon cannister

6) vapor line from gas tank to tap on the top of the carbon cannister.
diver side of the canister

7) Vapor line off the rear side of the carburetor to a tap on the
top of the carbon cannister.  Passenger side of the cannister.

I have tried to use orientation of the car itself and not specific

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