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Re: timing on a TR6

Subject: Re: timing on a TR6
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 16:00:53 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

Do you have a Bently manual.  The process is described in there. Albeit
somewhat vaguely.

Basically, you hook up a test light between the small lead from the
distributor (ck me out on this by refering to the manual) and the battery

Remove the spark plugs so you can turn the engine without resistance.  Put
car in Fourth, or third so you can move the crankshaft-which moves the cam
shaft-which turns the distributor  by pushing the car forward/backward.

get the car to where the timing marks are before 11 BTDC.  Then as you move
the car forward you will see the test light come on and then go off.  The
coming on is when the points first close, the going off is when they reopen
(breaking the circuit you have created with the test light)

At the point the light turns off-you should be at 11-12 BTDC (again ck me
against the manual on this-perhaps it is at the point the light turns on, its
been awhile since I've done this)

Either way, you can adjust the point at which the points open/close in
relation to the crankshaft by loosening the distributor and rotating it (just
as you would do if adjusting dynamically)

Be sure you do you adjustments as the car is pushed FORWARD so all the slack
is taken out of the drivetrain, timing chain etc.

As it was explained to me by some folks this is more accurate on older cars -
the idea being that there is some much play, and tolerances have been so worn
in older engines that to do this dynamically just isn't very accurate.  

Hope this helps,


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