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Re: Spitfire softtop setup

To: Ken Tharp <>
Subject: Re: Spitfire softtop setup
From: Nolan Penney <>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 08:23:58 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
>My question is this: the metal piece that I have does not have any type
>of protective padding between it and the car - shouldn't there be
>something? If I install just what I have, there will be metal rubbing
>against metal. Doesn't sound right. Can anyone advise??

Went and studied mine last night.  Mine had the top fastened to the metal 
plate on top, under the riveted snaps, but also wrapping around the 
plate, going under and through the rivets again.  Complete with adhesive. 
 Guess that way you don't rip the top off by raising it (I'd think you 
would with just three rivets holding it down).

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