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Re: Two TR7s Parting Out!

Subject: Re: Two TR7s Parting Out!
From: Jim Boyd <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 22:03:37 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Hey Art (and Listers):

Art...don't take this personally, but I have limited space, no time to work
on these TR7s and it costs me money every month to store them.  Even though
I have removed some essential parts, I'm on the losing side of these cars
from a financial perspective.  

I have offered them as entire cars for $100 each, with very limited
response.  I ~could~part these cars out over a course of time and certainly
cash in for money than this.  Does this make my motivation a little clearer?

A hundred bucks is dirt cheap for ~much more~ than a "rolling tub"...if
these had been MGBs (don't mean to start a war here!), I would have had
people falling over themselves to get to my place!

Please don't think I'm a Triumph hater, just 'cause I mentioned the M*B
word!  I also own a '73 TR6 which, although I have only recently purchased
it, am already in love head over heels!

Let's see...the line forms over here!

Jim Boyd
Paradise, CA

At 07:01 PM 4/14/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-04-13 18:10:37 EDT, (Jim Boyd)
>> Hey Listers:
>>  I currently have two TR7s that are taking up needed shop space.  They will
>>  be going to the crusher within the next two weeks unless I find a home for
>>  them.  I want to sell as many parts as I can, or the entire cars, if
>>  possible.  This is your ONE CHANCE to get some needed parts really cheap!!
>Hey Jim - have a heart!   Two weeks!  In ten years maybe you, and certainly
>everyone else, will be sorry those cars went to the "crusher".  Screw the
>money - hang in there if you don't get them all sold.  
>And any TR7 afficiandos who have space - do a rescue, please!   They can't be
>kept on the road if they don't exist!!  MHO.
>Art Kelly '64 TR3  CT33118L  (original owner)

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