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Wiper Motors & Part Failure

To: "Triumph Group" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: Wiper Motors & Part Failure
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 04 Apr 1997 16:21:10 -0800
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Greetings Scions.

Part 1  --  Alas, my recently restored Spit is suffering from a wiper motor 
that is simply worn out.  Earlier I opened it up and attempted to fix the 
old (broken) delicate plastic part holding the two brushes in place and 
thought I had made a good sturdy fix.  However, vibration apparently worked 
it loose, it grounded out the first time I attempted to use it, and 
unbeknownest to me there was juice running through the wiper arm drive 
mechanism and the arms themselves which got quite warm to the touch!!  I 
only figured it out when I began to smell burning rubber (the wiper blades 
themselves) while sitting in traffic.  I popped the bonnet and pulled the 
wires from the motor before any damage was done.  I am going to try to fix 
it again, but am not certain it will work.  Lest it become a dreaded 
"Trailer Queen" driveable only on sunny days, I intend to fix it.  Does 
anyone have a spare wiper motor to a Mk I or Mk II Spitfire they will part 
with for a fair price?

Part 2 --  The car almost left me stranded today on the way to work.  Turns 
out that vibration (again!) worked loose the two nuts on the vertical 
throttle linkage shaft where it bolts to the center of the carburator 
linkage.  Fortunately I was only a few miles from home and cobbled together 
a temporary fix using a rubber fuel line and a wire wrap in the boot tool 
box.  Unbelieveable!  A simple little $.07 nut almost left me high and dry. 
(sigh)   Well, thank goodness it was't Mr. Lucas' fault this time.


Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356 C Coupe

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