>We are thinking about building a garage and I wondering if I should do
>anything special for the foundation - specifically wondering about a
>vapor barrier under the concrete. Is this advisable or no? Thanks.
If you are thinking about sealing you garage floor with something
impermiable, like epoxy, use a vapor barrier, unless you are far above the
water table. Water can generate hydrostatic pressure sufficient to pop an
epoxy floor off the concrete, taking the top layer of concrete with it.
I used to sell epoxy floors to industry and have seen the epoxy pop when my
client told me in writing they had a vapor barrier, and they didn't.
Other garage suggestions: I really miss not having lots of 20 amp outlets
and at least one rafter large enough to pull an engine. Also, a hydraulic
lift. (A lift, you ask. Hey, who on this list wouldn't want one. It's only
a suggestion)
Jack Brooks
1960 TR3A