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Re: California Mis-Information

To: Thomas Howard <>
Subject: Re: California Mis-Information
From: Nolan Penney <>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 20:15:46 -0500
Cc: mgs@Autox.Team.Net, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
>Well...   They produced a book published by the State of California that
>lumps all Triumphs 1.3L & 2.5L (except Stag) into one bunch for the years of
>71 and '72.    This catagory specificaly states that all of these cars have
>a dual diaphram distributer setup.   (This is of course bunk.)    Of all the
>Spits, GT6, TR's, and such there may be a few with the advance/retard
>distributer.   Certainly not all.    None the less.   "Sorry, your car has
>been 'modified', and as such will not pass visual inspection."
>This is a clear error, oversite, omission, in the State's referance book.
>Welcome to legislated obsolesence.

Not by a long shot.  You get on the phone, you start making calls to your 
government agency and enjoy a rousing session of phone tag (ask for names, and 
write them down, scares the hell out of government folk) until you get to 
who can understand you.  This NOT an unremedyable situation!

Gez, it's incredible to me that I keep seeing lbc folk rolling over and playing 
dead far more then I see any other group of car nuts!  You can bet your butt a 
Mustang owner would be at his government critters desk ripping into them for 
stupidity in misidentifying his or her car and the equipment that was called 
for on 

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