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Re: MG wires on a TR4?

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: MG wires on a TR4?
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 20:19:09 -0500
Hello Paul, saw your post :

 >Hi all,
 >I have been looking at a TR4 which is for sale near me. The car has a number
 >of problems, but the one which is going to be the most expensive to fix is
 >the worn splines on the wheels and hub adapters. The splines are quite badly
 >worn so I'm told chrome plating is not an option.
 >The car has 14x6 wire wheels on it which the owner says are from an MG. Can
 >any listers with experience in both marques tell me if MG wire wheel splines
 >bolt straight onto the TR4 hubs, or has the owner performed other mods to
 >fit these things up?
 >I would also appreciate thoughts in general about what to do with/about/for
 >worn wire wheels.

I can't tell you much myself, except that the wheels might be rebuild-
able; if that is being considered, you could call Dayton Wheel Products,
the manufacturers (and rebuilders) of Dayton Wire Wheels.  They can also
rebuild Dunlops, Borranis (sp?) or any wire wheels.  Their phone number
is 937-461-1707.

They've been in business since 1916, if experience is a question.

Best regards,
Tom Tweed
SW Ohio
(no financial interest in Dayton Wheel, just know they're here and able
 to fix or replace whatever you need)

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