> I have a question. I'm rebuilding my engine and I'm wondering if I
> to get it balanced.
>From the content of your message, it appears you are doing your engine
rebuild on a rather tight budget.
If you are considering spending money on a balancing the engine, I would
rather spend that money on components that are normally replaced every
time an engine is torn down.
I would absolutey replace the rings, remember you will need to have the
cylinders honed so the new rings seat properly. Obviously, all bearings
replaced. While the head is off, I would spring (no pun intended) for
new valve guides at least. If it were me, I would put a new oil pump in,
no matter how 'in-spec' the old one is. How does the timing chain and
chainwheels look, a little sloppy? Lets take a good look at the
tappets, and the cam for that matter... This list grows and grows.
On the engines I have rebuilt, I start out thinking I am going to spend
a few hundred dollars on parts. With everything apart, I start getting
nervous about reusing this or that.
All it takes is one lousy rebuild to learn a lesson in false economy.
Does it sound like I have been there? Yup.
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| Henry Frye E-mail thefryes@iconn.net |
| TR3B TCF1927 L http://www.iconn.net/thefryes/ |
| TR250 CD8096 L A Little Town In |
| TR250 CD1074 L Connecticut, USA |
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