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RE: hobby dilemma

To: dezn490 <>
Subject: RE: hobby dilemma
From: "Smith, Brian" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 08:21:00 PST
Cc: "'Triumph Owners Digest'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Here's what you said:

From:  dezn490[]
Sent:  Wednesday, February 26, 1997 2:02 PM
To:  brians
Subject:  Re: hobby dilemma

Wait until the wife starts asking where she fits in with all the hobbies   



Here's my response:

Luckily she likes to ride in LBC's, watch me race in triathlons (as long   
as its not to early on a saturday Morning), ride bikes, work on the amiga   
computer, and drink my beer.  God, I got a great if I could   
just get her to fly those planes..hmmmm.

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