>To:johnhaynes@som-uky.campus.mci.net (John Haynes)
>From:kinderlehrer@mindspring.com (Kinderlehrer's)
>Subject:RE: TR3 Thermostat
>>At 07:30 AM 2/23/97 -0800, TeriAnn Wakeman wrote:
>>>At 8:32 PM 2/22/97 -0700, Jane Burdekin wrote:
>>>>Jay, I used to run with out the thermostat in the summer. It helped keep
>>>>it a bit cooler. Otherwise I use a summer therm. usually as I have a
>>>>problem with running too hot. I think it would be similar with a TR3.
>>>>'67 GT6
>>>A TR3 has a radiator bipass. This allows water to circulate within the
>>>engine while the thermostat is closed. This eliminates hot spots in the
>>>head that can lead to head cracks. The thermostat has a skirt that acts as
>>>a valve for the radiator bipass. When the thermostat opens, the skirt
>>>closes off the bipass. If you have the wrong thermostat or no thermostat
>>>in place close to half of the coolent will bipass the radiator and stay in
>>>the engine (guessed quantity based upon size of bipass hose and radiator
>>>If you have no thermostat, the coolent takes longer to get up to
>>>temperature. On cool days where the engine is not working hard, the engine
>>>may never come up to optimum operating termerature. An engine that runs
>>>too cool emits more SMOG, is not as effecent as a warm engine, may collect
>>>water vapour in the oil and reduce engine life.
>>>On hot days or when the engine is working hard the car may overheat without
>>>a thermostat. The water pump pumps water through the radiator at a rate
>>>corresponding to the engine speed. The longer the water is in contact with
>>>the radiator surface, the more heat can be transfered. Without the
>>>restriction of the thermostat slowing down the coolent flow the coolent
>>>just may not have enough contact time to transfer much heat.
>>>TeriAnn Wakeman "Large format photographers look
>>>Santa Cruz California at the world upside down and
>>>twakeman@scruznet.com backwards"
>>>We have had this thread several times the past couple of years. Do to the
>>turn it has taken I felt I must jump in . The paramount reason for
>>overheating in a TR2,3,4 is a non stock thermostat or no thermostat.
>>TeriAnn"s description of it is exactly correct. However I must disagree with
>>her statement "the longer the water is in contact with the radiator surface,
>>the more heat can be transfered. Without the restriction of the thermostat
>>slowing down the coolant flow , the coolent just may not have enough contact
>>time to transfer much heat." This statement conveys the mistaken idea that
>>by restricting the flow the engine will run cooler. What actually happens
>>is, if the flow is slowed in passing through the radiator, the flow through
>>the engine is slowed, the longer the water stays in the engine, the hotter
>>it gets.
>>Sam Haynes 59 TR3 Original Owner
>Okay, so now I understand the problem, but I'm not sure there is a
>solution. The proper thermostat seems to be rarer than hens teeth and
>these traffic lights in CA are so long they might as well charge for
>parking. Long enough for the engine to get pretty warm, anyway.
>If no thermaostat doesn't work because too much coolant goes through the
>bypass, what would be the effect if I blocked the bypass and ran without a
>thermostat. Coolant would always flow preventing the hot spot problem and
>it would take the long route through the radiator. The down side is that
>it would take longer for the engine to warm up. Only other thing I can
>think of is a valve on the bypass to manually adjust thw flow when the
>engine warmed up on the non-stock thermostat. Anybody got any other
>BTW, how does VB get away with selling those very normal looking
>thermostats as TR3 replacement parts if they are so wrong? I did install
>one a month ago, and of course, I am still having overheating problems.