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Date: 24 Feb 97 12:24:44 GMT
From: "Bruce T. Clough" <cloughbt@batman.flight.wpafb.af.mil>
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Re: TR3 Thermostat Availability
Newsgroups: mail.triumphs
I went to the Beaulieu autojumble in September '95 and found roughly 20
skirted thermostats that would fit our TR2 and TR4. The temperature range
varied from 160F to 185F, and I don't think I paid more than 1.5 quid for
any of them. They all were new, some in boxes. I also picked up a dozen
NOS Smiths original style thermostats from Bob Kamholtz (aka "Cheeseman")
of Genoa City, Wisconsin. Alas, I`ve given most of them away over the last
year to deparate TR owners. They are out there, you just have to look hard.
A good way to find them is to look for old thermostat housings. Sometimes
there's an original still inside.
Good hunting,
Bruce Clough
Isn't this the automotive equivilant of rubbing salt into the wound or
twisting the knife???? :-)
Johnny Storm
'77 Spitfire 1500