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Re: Trunnions & Bolts!!!, Help

Subject: Re: Trunnions & Bolts!!!, Help
From: (Jonathan Miles)
Date: 24 Feb 97 13:38:24 GMT
Newsgroups: mail.triumphs
Xref: egil mail.triumphs:15082
> Hey All,
>     I dismantled my front suspension this weekend, and run into an 
> interesting problem.  The bolt that connects the lower wishbone to the 
> trunnion looks like it is cemented in the trunnion.  I can get the nut 
> off of the trunnion to remove one of the wishbones.  The bolt in the 
> trunnion is surrounded by a reddish substance (Lock-Tight?).  What can I 
> do to remove this bolt?  Is there something I can sock this in that will 
> dissolved the reddish substance.
>     Also, I was able to remove one vertical link from its trunnion, but the 
> other one is in there good.  I know each trunnion is threaded 
> differently, but no matter which way i turn it I get about 2/3's of a 
> turn before it stops.  Yes I removed the stopper from the top of the 
> trunnion.  Any Ideas?  I'm concerned because the first vertical link came 
> out so easily.
>     It is amazing the assortment of incorrect bolts I have found.
> Later,
What car are we talking about here?  It sounds like a Spitfire. If 
so, then in my experience the trunnion bolt often seizes in its 
bushing in the trunnion. Sometimes heating it up, cooling it and 
hiting it with a hammer works, but most often its better just to 
resign yourself to removing it with a hacksaw (slide the blade 
between wishbone and trunnion).  This is a pain 
because you've got so little room for manouvre, and you must avoid 
damaging the wishbone, but it can be done with care 

Can't help with the vertical link problem, the trunnion should just 
unscrew with ease as you know.


Spitfire 1500

Dr J.E.Miles
School of Biological Sciences
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT
Great Britain

Tel. 0121-414-5884
Fax. 0121-414-5925

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