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Spit - flat spot in acceleration

To: "Triumph Group" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: Spit - flat spot in acceleration
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 24 Feb 1997 08:55:51 -0800
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Greeting Scions.

The 64 Spit is running great except for a little problem during 
acceleration.  Granted, I have not yet attempted to fix it, and I am looking 
for ideas before fiddling with all kinds of things.  During acceleration 
there is a "flat spot" in the acceleration curve starting at about 2800 rpm 
up to about 3400 rpm.  No missing, no surging, just a definite flat spot. 
 Typically this occurs under part throttle.  Under full throttle it 
diminishes somewhat, but the car still doesn't pull quite as strong as it 
should in that rev range (although above 3400 it zings pretty good).  Since 
I know that the mechanical advance mechanism in my Delco distributor is not 
functioning, I thought I'd start there first, by removing it, dismantling it 
(again - aarrgghh), driving out the pin and fixing the advance.  I get 
plenty of vacuum advance now at idle and part throttle openings, but no 
mechanical advance.  Is this the most likely cause?

My other thoughts were (1) I may need different needles for the stock SU 
carbs since I have a slightly hotter street cam in it now, plus 
ported/polished head, headers and free flow exhaust, and am still using the 
stock needles - any ideas on size? (2) Adjust the mixture in the carbs - 
(but I don't think that will do it as I already adjusted them and it runs 
and idles fine otherwise), (3) Check the coil to ensure proper functioning 
(4) ??????????  Frankly, I can't think of anything other than carburation 
and ignition that could cause the flat spot so I am open to any and all 
other ideas.  Thanks.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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