Hi All.
As was suggested some time back, I checked out
powerdog.com/tiresize.cgi. It is a great way to zero in on the right
sizes to use. BTW, if you have ever considered the poss. of going up a
size, the TSSC sells a nice 14" Minilite rep. for a decent (set) price.
This would allow use of a 185/60-14, or a 195/55-205/55-14 combo. If
there are any of you who have checked out Chris K's story on Bubba, you
know about the Kaizer wheels he uses. An email to/from Mr. Bradakis
revealed that they are available in a 15", direct bolt-on. He reckons
the reasonable sum of $165 each. Hint: a 195/50-205/50-15 setup is a
perfect match!
Scott Kohl
'69 GT6+ (Adapters for 4x100mm under development)
'63 Spitfire 4 (Arriving soon--I hope!)