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RE: LBC's on TNN

To: "'Gregory Petrolati'" <>
Subject: RE: LBC's on TNN
From: Chris Prugh <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 16:30:10 -0800
Cc: "'Triumph List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

        No...there wasn't a single Triumph on the show.  Although that 
FordGL?40 was extremely cool.  Check out the "luggage" stowage area?

My four banger doesn't quite have that sound...think a glass pack will get it? 

Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar

From:   Gregory Petrolati[]
Sent:   Sunday, February 16, 1997 11:27 PM
To:     Paul Nelson
Subject:        Re: LBC's on TNN

On Sat, 15 Feb 1997, Paul Nelson wrote:

> Anyone else see "My Classic Car" on TNN? They had a pretty good
> show about British cars. If it airs again check it out. 
>       Later, Paul Nelson
>       '76 Spitfire-On the road by May or Bust!

        I must be honest I did tune in a bit late... Unless they showed a 
        lot of Triumphs in the first 5 minutes or so I didn't see a one... 
        I've said it before and I'll keep on sayin' it... "Triumphs don't 
        get no respect!!!"

        Greg "Dangerfield" Petrolati                         1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
        "That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

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