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Re: new to list

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: new to list
From: bill nichol <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 07:08:07 -0500
References: <>
bill nichol wrote:
> Fellow Green Car Lovers
> Thankyou for letting me join your list.
> I have been driving and restoring a'78 spitfire for the last 4 years and
> loving it. I recently bought an '80 TR7 with engine troubles. Yes I knew
> about them before I bought the car.
>         I would like a general consensus on the wisdom and pitfalls of
> refurbishing the orginal engine or replacing it with something else.
> I've been hearing some about the Buick 215.
>         Please let me know what you think anfd what good candidates for a swap
> are.
>         My engine runs and sounds good at idle and low power but starts rod
> knock as soon as power is applied. Compression is still fair and the
> exhaust is clean.
>         Thanks
>         Bill

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