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Re: theft of lbc

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: theft of lbc
From: Stuart Bollen <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 21:22:35 -0500 (EST)
At 05:26 PM 2/10/97 -0800, you wrote:
>stuart, if you have to worry about your car every place you go don't go. 
>thieves are are smarter than detroit engineers, if you don't believe that 
>think of just one device detroit or japan has put on any car that has 
>worked at stopping them.there are NONE. if you take your LBC out for a 
>drive and have to crawl up under it to turn on this & deactivate this 
>then all you are going to get is a trashed car. you should call your 
>insurance co. to find out if there is a problem with theft(i don't think 
>so) unlike most modern cars that have a good strip & parts value ours LBC 
>are not in this class. just drive it enjoy it and have fun.            
>                       P.S.                                            
>                       don't forget LBC drive day in MAY
> Fred, you are preaching to the choir! Recheck your thread, you will see I
agreed with you.

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