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Re: BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request: /^subject:\s*help\b/i

To: Spitfire 1500 <>
Subject: Re: BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request: /^subject:\s*help\b/i Non-...
From: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 13:28:38 +0000 ()
Cc:, mjb@Autox.Team.Net,
On Tue, 11 Feb 1997, Spitfire 1500 wrote:

> wrote:
>> > 
> > Put an MG emblem on it! No one of any class would want it !

But arent criminals classless scum???  

> > 
> > Steve Thornton
> > Bowling Green, KY
> Gee, wouldn't that devalue a Triumph?  <g>
> Ron N.

I thought that triumphs were good value compared to over priced MGs??

Johnny Storm '77 spit 1500


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