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Re: Theft Proofing a TR

To: Dave Terrick <>
Subject: Re: Theft Proofing a TR
From: Sholtes IV <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 19:30:02 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Dave Terrick wrote:

           ~among many good ideas for "theft-proofing"~

> PS:  what about "the club"?  Visible and fairly time consuming for a
> joyrider.  Seems to have worked for Chevy.


   I once saw a special about stealing cars on T.V. once, I think it
was Twenty-Twenty, or something like that.  What they did was leave a 
hidden camera in the car and watched the tape once they got the car
back.  I don't remember why the hidden camera was stolen though...
   On this show, they illustrated what a joke those "Clubs" were. While
they look imposing, it must be remembered that a chain is only as str-
ong as its weakest link.  Since the club is hard steel, the theives 
would just hacksaw through the steering wheel rim which only has about 
a one-quarter inch thick steel rod running through that "thick" rubber
grip. Then pull appart (front to rear) the cut area, and remove the
device...time elasped, about five seconds.  They would do this even
with the alarm screaming.
  And with quick use of a dent puller, pull the ignition key lock out,
insert screw driver, turn, and out goes the alarm, start up and drive
  I guess a professional cannot be stopped.  I do however beleive that
a screaming alarm (which only screams 'til the battery cable is cut)
would cut down most vandalism.  I mean, I don't think those punks would
have done half the damage to that poor guy's Spitfire if he had one.

                             JOE IV
                             TR 250
                    WALLINGFORD, CT. USA

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