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RE: Limey

To: "Richard Jackson" <>, "Lindberg, Andrew" <>
Subject: RE: Limey
From: ping0160 <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 97 19:38:46 -0000
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, <>
For once in my career as a reader of the list I can add my penny's worth 
to this!!
Living in Belgium means I have contact with people from the Netherlands 
who are affectionatley referred to as "cheese heads" by their friendly 
Belgian neighbours - they do make some excellent stuff!!
Back in the early days of New York, there were a lot of Dutch settlers 
there, so much so that I believe that New York was very nearly New 
To cut a long story short, the Dutch referred to their New World 
neighbours as "Young Cheeses" - which in dutch is pronounced 
(phonetically) "yan kees". So there you have it.


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