Morning all,
>Grease will work for a time,but soon dries out,so if you like the thought of
>your TReasured TRiumph taking a nose dive into the tarmac,go ahead and use
Just thought I'd add a little bit extra, I ALWAYS use EP90 oil, but it ain't
stopped 3(yes 3) verticle links shearing in 3 years......2 were no worries as I
was only pulling onto the driveway so I weren't going too fast, the other
though....Jezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzus, nearly sh*t myself(btw, that ain't shot
myself, although I assume some of you wish I would) as I was going round a bend
at about 30(ish) when it went. Nearly took a Ford Sierra with that time :-)
TSSC Leicester Area Organisor....If he can plug his position, so can I!!! :-)
>Best Wishes,
>Leon F Guyot
>Triumph Sports Six Club International Liaison Secretary,
> (another shamless plug/nipple?)...