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SADS, was FEVER!!! (very little lbc content)

To: "Triumph mailing list" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: SADS, was FEVER!!! (very little lbc content)
From: (Gano, Ken)
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 23:36:53 -0600
        Seasonal Affect Disorder.  affectionately know as SADS amongst its
suffers.  It's a well recognized mental disorder.  Cabin fever, the Winter
Blues.  As Jimmy Buffet one time said:  "I just shot six holes in the
freezer, I think I got cabin fever."  People in the extreme climates know
it well.

        The temperature broke 40F for the first time in two months.  The TR3
needed attention and the driveway needed sweeping.  Ended up taking the
kids to the movie.  Some things are just to important to miss.  

        I can't help but notice the increased traffic and the confrontational 
confirms a long held belief.  Winter stinks.  Theory one,  Winter, and lack
of LBC's turns people mean.

        Theory two.  The egalitarianism of the 'net could be mankind's savior. 
Nobody cares if your 16 or 80 when they are looking for information.  I
find this list to be the light of my day.  I really don't care what age or
color or gender a name is here.  If they can provide me with insight into a
wonderful hobby, so be it.  Being right in the middle (45 next month) it's
not hard to bridge both groups.

        Theory three  The more information exchanged, the more informed the
decision.  I like asking questions and getting ten different views. 
Anybody out there know anything about tie rods lengths on a TR4 to TR3
steering rack conversion?  No one should run off in a huff, or assume any
author is more than driving age or less than dead, or is responding from
current experience or long clouded memory.  While the best advise can be
invaluable, nothing matters except what I find works on TS57756.  I also
believe it is a mistake to assume that anyone else has any specialized
tools or level of knowledge.  I can talk a good talk, but the execution is
never as good as the plan and I suspect that most other folks are more like
that than they care to admit.

        Don't get insulted by being called old, always consider the alternative.

Ken Gano
TR3A TS57756 (in pieces)
living in a continental extreme climate and hating it.

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  • SADS, was FEVER!!! (very little lbc content), Gano, Ken <=