> All,
> Seems Quentin Kopp (a Sacramento weenie) is behind a measure
> to return California smog laws to the way they were originally written,
> with a rolling 25-year window. The first law took effect in 1981, which is
> why cars 1966 and newer are tested. The next year it was supposed to be
> 1967, then 1968, and so on, but bureaucrats being what they are, the 1966
> date stuck. He's going to try to change it in '97, effective in '98, meaning
> that only cars '73 and newer would be tested, and then within two years, we'd
> (TR6 and older) never have to worry again.
> Anyone heard this?
> Shane Ingate in San Diego
Good morning,
Yes I have heard this. Quentin is a San Francisco plitico (weenie) who I find
myself agreeing with on an alrmingly large number of issues. I also agree this
will address smog in a more rational fashion even though there are a substantial
number of cars of the old variety. It seems the number driven regularly is low
and as such not a significant contributor to the smog problem. Let's hope he
is successful.
Ken Boetzer