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Spitfire front brakes problem (& bearings too?)

Subject: Spitfire front brakes problem (& bearings too?)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 21:33:38 -0400
Worldly Scions,

I'm having a bit of a problem diagnosing my brakes.  One of my
cars takes (too) much pedal pressure to get the car to stop.
If I press the pedal *really* hard the left rear wheel locks up
first.  It should be the front wheels shouldn't it?

I suspect the front brakes are not doing what they should.
I have replaced the front brake hoses.  This didn't help but
they look good ;-).  The brakes have been bled many times.
The pedal still feels a little spongy though.  I dismantled the
brakes this evening and verified that none of the caliper pistons
are stuck.  The brake pads are good (thick).  The rear brakes
are adjusted properly.

I don't think there are any obstructions in the hydraulics.
It was easy to "gravity" bleed the front brakes when I replaced
the hoses.  I ran almost a full container of brake fluid through
the front system.

Thanks for any ideas / suggestions short of selling the car ;-)

Bob Sykes  (    -  - -     __,@_\____    
'78 Spitfires                   -  --    }-0-----0->     

BTW It looks as though I have installed my front wheel bearing
oil seals backwards (felt facing the bearing).  The replacement
bearing kits had the felt glued to the water shield.  The original
ones had seperate felt pieces.

I checked Bentley, Haynes (old & new), Restoration guide,
TRF catalog, Moss Europe catalog and John Kipping's catalog.
Now I'm really confused.  There are conflicting diagrams.
(most show the felt facing the bearing IMHO)

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