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Triumph GT6-H E L P

Subject: Triumph GT6-H E L P
From: (J. Stovall)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 13:45:32 -0700 (PDT)
Okay, so here it is. We went to take the Triumph out on a good run in the
country. As we drove along, between 3600 and 3900 rpm the car would hiccup
occasionaly, about every 5 minutes. That's problem one. We finally pulled
over to switch drivers, and, turning to car off, let it sit for a second.
We got back in and the thing refused to start (problem 2). Looking under
the hood, I noticed the radiator was gurgling (problem 3?) and the fuel
pump was kinda low and the fuel filter had next to nothing in it (problem
4). I went back and opened up the gas cap and closed it again to realease
any vacumme that might have been there and we tried it again. Still
nothing. Then, rembering something I'd read somewhere, I went and added
fuel to the carbs through the fule/air mixture screw. Tell me if this was
stupid, becauseat this point I really didn't know what I was doing. Still
nothing. Finally, a real nice guy pulled over and asked if we needed help.
He helped push the car while the other one sat in it and turned the
starter. And yes, it finally fired. We drove a little farther on and all
the sudden it sounded like half our exhasut pipe hit the ground. No, not
the sound of a pipe hitting the ground, but like half the exhaust pipe just
seddenly disapperaed. I got out and, looking under the hood, saw the
adjustment screw for the carb had fallen out. Thank God it fell right on
the part teh of the suspension that could cradle it. I simply plugged it
back in and we drove home. Before ending, a couple quick things. I took
apart and cleaned the fuel pump the other day. It works fine, though. When
we would stop, we'd have to rev the engine so that it wouldn't die. Well,
that's all and any help is appreciated.

Jeff Stovall
         "I'm God's gift to humility."

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